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  • Improve Your Golf Game with FINALLY Stretching (And WHO bought the PGA??)

Improve Your Golf Game with FINALLY Stretching (And WHO bought the PGA??)

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In Today’s Issue:

  • Best Stretches Before Playing Golf

  • Home Depot, the Falcons, and the Red Sox Are Buying the PGA??

  • AT&T Pebble Beach: Tee times, pairings for Rounds 1 and 2

  • And MUCH more!

Trivia Question: When was the first round of women’s golf played?? Answer Below.

🏌️‍♂️ From Duffer to Dazzler

Best Stretches Before Playing Golf

The reason I wanted to talk about stretching today is actually quite personal…

You see I was at TopGolf with my brothers this week and one of them was as close to throwing out his back while swinging while still being funny as you could be


It was both incredibly funny and incredibly eye opening for me at the same time.

So I’m going to share my favorite tips for stretches I’ve come across in the hopes you don’t become “that guy” who has to stop playing mid-game because they threw out their back.

Sound good?

Let’s get into it

#1 It’s all in the hips. Taking time to make sure your hips are strong is the key to not making the same mistake my brother made. You see, we get injured often because we overcompensate with “less strong” parts of our bodies. For your hips then I recommend working both on exercises that strengthen your hips or making sure you’re activating your hips mid swing.

#2 Get a Warm-Up Routine. While you might feel like a “try-hard” or “scrub” for warming up before playing a round of 18, PGA players swear by their warm-up routines. Warming up not only works for your body though but your mind to. Just in case you needed any further motivation for not walking out from the parking lot straight to the tee-box.

#3 We are rewarded in public for what we do in private. Taking time to take care of your body off the course is one of the best ways we can make sure it works its best on the course. Trying out different exercises and routines not only before our game but after our game can really help maximize those public rewards.

#4 Keep track of results. In all likelihood, this isn’t the first time you’ve been told about warming up and stretching for golf. If you’re wanting to guarantee this is the final time you promise you take action then be sure to write down your routine and the results it has on your game. I recommend a designated golf journal for this. Keep track of what you can add or remove from your game here.

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Home Depot, the Falcons, and the Red Sox Are Buying the PGA??

It turns out Billionaires don’t just buying golf memberships but they also like buying GOLF ORGANIZATIONS

The billionaires over at Strategic Sports Group (SSG) have made a large “investment” in the PGA of…

3 Billion Dollars!!

Personally, I’m not sure where the line between investment and purchase begin.

But, that’s what the story is reported as by Golf.com in their new story on the SSG & PGA Merger.

Attached below is a totally real picture of SSG and PGA after the deal was successful.

If you’re like me and don’t know who the SSG are, then let’s run through a quick list of who is in this Billion Dollar Boys Club:

💰Arthur Blank (billionaire founder of Home Depot and owner of the Atlanta Falcons),

💰Steve Cohen (hedge fund billionaire and owner of the New York Mets),

💰Mark Attanasio (private equity billionaire and owner of the Milwaukee Brewers),

💰Wyc Grousbeck (venture capital billionaire and owner of the Boston Celtics)

💰Mark Lasry (private equity billionaire and former owner of the Milwaukee Bucks).

Along with various owners of the

💰Boston Red Sox

💰Liverpool FC


💰Pittsburgh Penguins.

So just in case you felt like you were big because you knew the “golf course manager”,

Here’s a nice reminder of the level of insider’s circle that we are’t even aware that exists 😂

But here’s what this means for PGA and its players:

1️⃣ $1.5 billion will be paid out to players over the next 5 years

2️⃣ An estimated 200 golfers will become “equity partners” and others will even receive a “five-year player compensation guarantee”

3️⃣ PGA will now be able to pursue further potential discussions with LIV

That last one is probably going to surprise people the most as the merger with LIV (at least so the rumors go) is due to “anti-trust issues”

The Bleacher Report has further coverage on this if you’re interested

But out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the PGA and LIV merger 🧐

Here's What I Think About the PGA and LIV Merger

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😂 Mulligan Memes

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Trivia Answer:

The first round of women's golf was played in 1811 in Musselburgh, Scotland

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